Joris Hoefnagel (1542-1601)- Series 2 Notecards NEW!

Joris Hoefnagel (1542-1601)- Series 2 Notecards NEW!

from A$22.00

Moements with Joris (Georg) Hoefnagel (1542-1601)
Illumination from Mira calligraphiae monumenta
(The Model Book of Calligraphy)
by Georg Bocksay

Mira calligraphiae monumenta is a 16th century calligraphy manuscript created by Georg Bocskay, between 1561 and 1562 to record all types of calligraphy; each page highlighting a new style of script. Bocskay was the imperial secretary to the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I. 30 years later, Ferdinand’s grandson, the Emperor Rudolph II commissioned Joris (Georg) Hoefnagel (1542-1601), court artist and a renowned Flemish manuscript illuminator to enhance the original work. Hoefnagel enlivened his flower pieces with insects and attention to detail typical of his nature studies. His accurate images of nature greatly influenced the development of Flemish still life painting, in particular, floral still life.

It is hard to believe the design and harmony of Bocskay’s script with Hoefnagel’s illumination of flora and fauna wasn’t a collaboration between the two artists but was accomplished some decades apart.

Notecard Sets::
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The 10 images

Scarlet Turks Cap, Rhinoceros Beetle & Pomegranate; Queen of Spain Fritillary, Apple, Mouse & Creeping Forget-me-not; Butterfly Snakeshead, English Walnut & Sweet Cherry; Damselfly, French Rose, Spanish Chestnut & Spider; and Insectes, Orange Lily, Caterpillar, Apple & Horsefly.  (included in Variation Set A)

Maltese Cross Mussel & Ladybird; French Rose, Crane Fly & Common Pear, Insect, Daffodil, European Columbine & English Oak Acorns; Damselfly, Carnation, Firebug Caterpillar, Carnelian Cherry & Centipede; Carnation, Martagon Lily & Pear; and Spanish Chestnut, English Iris and European Filbert. (included in Variation Set B)